Tatebayashi Castle

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It is not well understood exactly when or by whom Tatebayashi castle was constructed. The earliest record of the castle is from 1471 when the castle was attacked by the Uesugi. In the Sengoku Period, the castle was also controlled by the Nagao and the Hojo until Tokugawa Ieyasu took control of Kanto in 1590. In the Siege of Odawara, the castle was taken by Ishida Mitsunari.

After 1590, Tokugawa placed Sakakibara Yasumasa in control. Sakakibara rebuilt the castle and developed the castle town. After the Sakakibara were reassigned, the castle was the home of the top controlling families of the Tokugawa government until it was abandoned. In 1874, a fire destroyed more than half of the castle buildings. The fifth Shogun, Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, was also the lord of Tatebayashi Castle from 1661-1680 although he actually resided in Edo (Tokyo) throughout.

Visit Notes

Besides the reconstructed castle gate (1983), there is not much to see of the castle itself. There are only a few signs around the original castle grounds pointing out locations of gates and baileys. There also two original samurai residences and a large Nagayamon gate moved here from a wealthy farmstead. Combined together, these sites make Tatebayashi makes an interesting visit if you are on the area. The castle diorama seen in some of the photos below is in a wing off the library near the Dobashimon Gate. There are other artifacts here too but you you can only take photos of the diorama.

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  • Dobashimon Gate
  • Dobashimon Gate
  • Dobashimon Gate
  • Dobashimon Gate
  • Dobashimon Gate
  • Wall of the Dobashimon Gate
  • Wall of the Dobashimon Gate
  • Dobashimon Gate and embankment of the Third Bailey
  • Third Bailey
  • Third Bailey and embankment
  • Embankment of the Third Bailey
  • Embankment of the Third Bailey
  • Embankment of the Third Bailey
  • Embankment of the Third Bailey
  • Ninomaru Bailey
  • Honmaru embankment
  • Honmaru water moat remains
  • Hachimangu Shrine
  • Site of the Senkan Gate
  • Site of the Senkan Gate
  • Castle diorama (Sannomaru Bailey)
  • Castle diorama (Dobashimon Gate)
  • Diorama (Ninomaru Bailey)
  • Diorama
  • Stones from the original castle walls
  • Castle ruins marker
  • Nagayamon Gate from a wealthy farmstead
  • Nagayamon Gate
  • Nagayamon Gate
  • Nagayamon Gate
  • Nagayamon Gate
  • Map

Castle Profile
English Name Tatebayashi Castle
Japanese Name 館林城
Alternate Names Obiki-jo
Founder Akai Terumitsu
Year Founded mid 1500's
Castle Type Flatland
Castle Condition No main keep but other buildings
Historical Period Edo Period
Features gates, samurai homes, walls
Visitor Information
Access Tatebayashi Sta. (Tobu Isezaki Line), 10 min. walk.
Visitor Information Park open any time
Time Required 30 mins (castle only)
Website http://www.city.tatebayashi.gunma.jp/kanko/history culture/tatebayashi jo mon.html
Location Tatebayashi, Gunma Prefecture
Coordinates 36° 14' 44.05" N, 139° 32' 24.04" E
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Added to Jcastle 2007
Contributor Eric
Admin Year Visited 2007, 2018
Admin Visits June 30, 2007; Sept. 16, 2018
Nearby Samurai Homes
(3 votes)
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81 months ago
Score 1++

Tatebayashi has a Bukeyashiki! 旧館林藩士住宅 Can also be searched through: 鷹匠町武家屋敷「武鷹館」. Includes a nagayamon. (I was looking at the bukeyashiki list and it's not on there : 3 )



81 months ago
Score 0++
Thanks! New tag added.


117 months ago
Score 0++
The fifth Shogun Tokugawa Yasumasa, was also the lord of Tatebayashi Castle from 1661-1680. The 5th Tokugawa shōgun was Tsunayoshi. He was for a while however the lord of Tatebayashi-han.

Anonymous user #1

159 months ago
Score 0++
I really didn`t expect much from this site, just a gate, but Tatebayashi was interesting in a quirky way. The gate is nice for what it is. Whilst most of the site is given over to public buildings and recreation facilities, the park is broad enough and the area between the gate and the `castle marsh` has enough open green spaces to convey a sense of space. There was some ruined ishigaki near the science museum, is that original? There was also a cut out and information on one of the more interesting Tokugawas: Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, the Inu Shogun, who held the title `Lord of Tatebayashi.` The yakata of the last Lord of Tatebayashi is nearby, along with an old muslin factory and old house belonging to a man called the `Onsen Sommelier.` Not at all related to castles but if you are in the area, Morinji Temple is the site of the Bunbuku Chagama legend. The temple has the said tea kettle as one of its treasures and also the most bizarre grove of tanuki statues dressed up according to the season. So yes, my memory of Tatebayashi is of a row of tanuki statues dressed in hula outfits with their distinctive `assets` poking out through grass skirts.