Beautiful in both form and function, idealistic and pragmatic... every single castle is unique!
Himeji, &c.
Uesugi Kenshin, Katou Kiyomasa
Shinano & Oumi
My Wiki Pages Create subpages in your own personal wiki. List your favorite sites, create a log of a trip, or take notes for an upcoming trip.
- ART/ARTCastleContributions (2024/09/16)
- ART/藩校 (2022/12/29)
- ART/ARTSamuraiHomes (2020/01/26)
- ART/四国お城巡礼2016 Shikoku Castle Pilgrimage (2017/07/20)
Birkenhead, United Kingdom
The Japanese Castles Group on Facebook:
Britain, Thailand, Japan: Kobe (2012-2013); Iwaki (2015-2018); Matsumoto (2019-2023); Okazaki (2023)
Leeds University, UK
Kobe Gakuin Daigaku, Japan
I'm ART (AdamT). I first came to Japan in 2012 and have visited over nearly two thousand castle sites. I run the Japanese Castles group on the SNS platform Facebook. We have over 20K members (woot!). Please join us in our castlemania: